Splash Pad at Wiard Park
The most popular place for families to cool down is the Splash Pad at Wiard Park. Located at 2600 Wiard Street, this playground opens the day after the County School District is out with hours from noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Gazebos are available, so pack your lunch and enjoy a day outdoors. There is no fee for Splash Pad usage. Call Friends of Wiard Park System (541-884-8816) for more information.
Children’s Museum
Located at 711 E. Main Street, the Children’s Museum is a great place for kids to discover and learn through role-playing, dress-up, science experimentation stations, musical instruments and sound equipment. There is also a discovery area for infants and toddlers. Regular admission is $5 with Wacky Wednesdays discounted to $2/person with a donation. Check out their website at cmkfg.org.

Train Mountain
Full steam ahead to the Train Mountain Railroad Museum in Chiloquin. Take a ride on the world’s longest miniature railroad (according to the Guiness Book of World Records). There is no admission fee, but donations are gladly accepted. Train Mountain is open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (36941 S. Chiloquin Road). Immediately next door is Klamath Western Railroad, which offers 20-minute train rides, every Saturday from Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend.
Putting Course at Running Y
Play 18 holes on the putting course at Running Y Ranch Resort. Open during daylight hours, the course takes approximately 1 hour to complete. Adults pay $12, kids 17 and under pay $6, and kids under 5 play for free with a paying adult.
by Danielle Ventimigilia